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    Physical Characteristics:

    Gender: Male
    Height: 5' 4"
    Weight: 130 lbs.
    Hair: Brown
    Eyes: Brown
    Pant Size: 28 or more
    Body Type(s): Athletic
    Portrayable Age: 28 years - 35 years
    Portrayable Ethnicities: French,  Latino/Hispanic,  Middle Eastern,  Puerto Rican
    Disability Information:


    Evil Demon - Carl ABC Studios
    Pose - S1 E3 Snow Man Nelson Cragg
    Venganza Victim #1 Vista Productions
    Dark Horse Damon Ruiz ABC Studios
    New Year's - Times Square Dancer Univision
    The Clean Ramon(Supporting) Momentum Pictures, Inc.
    Roads Thug #2(Supporting) Ithaca College/Vincent Versace
    Now or Never Frankie(Principle) Hunter College/Sandhya Dahari
    Vocal Showcase Vocalist - Italian Repertoire Los Angeles Valley College
    Improvfest Improviser Second City - Hollywood
    The Pirates of Penzance Pirate Patricia Hannifan
    Graduation Show Improviser Second City - Hollywood
    Vocal Showcase Vocalist - Italian Repertoire Los Angeles Valley College
    Frankie Lover Bronx Academy of Arts & Dance
    Scenes from Black Jesus Judas UJAMMA Black Theater
    Symphony Space NYC Dancer Choreographer - Shyrelle Kallilikane
    Coney Island Summer Concert Series Dancer Maria Torres-O'Conner
    Nagelberg Showcas The Kid Baruch College
    Garcia Lorca Tribute Poet Hunter College
    The Unseen Hand The Kid Palm Beach State College
    Holocaust Dedication Survivor Palm Beach Jewish Center
    Marlon Craft Music Video - I Still Don't Cry Actor Jacob Carlson/Marlon Craft
    Cazwell/Music Video Dancer Marco Ovando
    HELOz Photography Model Hector Lopez
    Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater/Promo Video Dancer Alvin Ailey Dance Theater
    Melani Lust Photography Model Melani Lust
    Marlon Craft - I Still Don't Cry - Music Video
    Cazwell - Get My Money Back
    Actor Bio
    Edwin Pierre De La Roa is an actor, dancer, and singer located in New York City.

    Skills and Training:

    Special Skills
    Actor, Choreographer, Hip Hop Dancer, Improv, Modern Dancer, Musical Theater, Photographer, Physical Fitness Expert, Salsa Dancer, Yoga
    Spanish - Conversational , English, and French Accents
    Other Skills
    Musical Theater Workshop - Ryan S. Oliver, Vocal Technique - Julliard, Vocal Technique - Los Angeles Valley College, Modern Dance - Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Ballet Dance - Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Latin Jazz Technique - Maria Torres O'conner & Luis Salgado, Hip Hop Dance - Millenium Dance Complex (Los Angeles)
    Professional Training/Education
    On Camera Technique - T. Schreiber Studio
    Auditioning Intensive - Jeffrey Dreisbach
    Method Technique - Lee Strasberg Theater & Film Institute
    On-Camera TV/Film Intensive - Alexis Atkinson
    Exer Actor Technique - Carl Ford
    Improv (Short Form) - Second City (Hollywood)
    Acting for Film - Bill Hopkins
    Acting Technique - Hunter College
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